
Showing posts with label Ramblings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ramblings. Show all posts

Monday, June 13, 2011

Where is Summer?

As I sit here writing this blog post, I can hear the thunder rumbling outside and the rain pounding down. I know that moisture is a good thing, but all things in moderation. Right?


I found this picture in my archives. It’s from last summer when we were enjoying lovely warm temperatures and days of sunshine. I long for summer and a more moderate season.

While I wait, I think I will start some new sewing projects. The girls need some new summer dresses!

Monday, January 07, 2008

I'm still here.....

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and nope, I haven't dropped of the face of the earth. Just blogland for a while. I had a wonderful holiday season and had planned to post some pictures of my family as they thouroughly enjoyed their holidays, but it seems that every time I would try to post, something would happen and prevent me from posting. I'm sorry.

For those of you who may still be around, I hope to get in here and post more often than the past couple months. And I will bombard you now with some pictures to get caught up.

For the whole month of December our town hosts a festival of lights. This is one of the floats that were on display in the park.

We've gotten a bunch of snow this year already. Snowbarding and sledding have been fun. Many of the days in December, the streets were so covered with snow that you could pull the sled around on the street.

Between the snow and the wind one day, it created some really fun drifts. I have had a lot of fun with my camera this season. This is the first winter I have really played with photography and I am having so much fun.

In fact, I have started listing a bunch of my photos for sale online. Click here if you would like to visit my gallery. Today is the last day for free shipping! Just enter code STYLE2008 on all orders over $15.00.

I have a bunch of things in my Etsy store and some great listings on Ebay. Some of my Ebay listings starting at 99 cents with no reserve!
This little set is inspired by the 7&co's
"Box of Chocolates" launch. Click here to see all of the auctions.
I know that some of links on this blog are dead now and need to be updated. I will try doing this today too and giving this blog a facelift.
Thanks for your patients.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Pitter Patter

of little feet again. It seems like yesterday when my first child was learning to walk and here I am five kids later still brought to tears when I see my baby take her first steps.
It's actually been a couple months since she took her first step and it was so adorable in a bittersweet way. It's always cute to see them grow up, but the next stage is always harder than the previous. I don't push my children now, I just try to enjoy each moment, because tomorrow may be worse.
Which brings me to the reason, or shall I say reasons for my blog absence. Kids 1 and 2 have so much homework after school that I think most days I am back in school. Who's the student here? I distinctly remember doing my time in school and gladly left that behind, but now it haunts me through my children.
Kids 3 and 4 fight constantly and kid 4 uses a blood curling scream as her defense mechanism when kid 3 is bullying her for the pen or notebook, which is the constant battle here.
Then there is kid 5.... She went from taking her first step to running through the house like a tornado ripping things out of place, eating everything in sight, ripping papers to bits, and demanding I spend every waking moment focused on her.
I do know this too will pass and soon I will have so much time to blog, you will be sick of me. So until then, stick with me and I will try to post as often as I can.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Just when I wasn't looking

I fell into love with photography all over again.
I stumbled onto this really cool style of photography. No, I didn't find a pause button for my kids or hire a maid, but I did find something new to love and another reason for people to look at me funny as I take pictures of random things. My kids love it too. They always ask when we can go out and find something cool to shoot.

All of a sudden completely boring things are brought into a completely different light.

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Monday, October 08, 2007

Fall Pictures

I love the colorful changes of fall so much. Yesterday, we took a drive in the mountains with the family and it was so beautiful, I took a ton of pictures. The colors are so vibrant that they are almost florescent. I have some pictures from yesterday to share, but will have to post them tomorrow. For now I will share the ones we took last week, which are beautiful too.

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Saturday, October 06, 2007

I jinxed the tooth fairy.....

The other day, I was reading a post on this blog. I laughed and even commented on how funny that was. I guess I must have jinxed it, because the next day my daughter lost a tooth. She was so excited and immediately placed her tooth under her pillow. I made a red flagged mental note, (they all seem to have red flags these days though) to remember to notify the tooth fairy.
The next morning, when I woke her up for school, she came out sobbing and telling me the tooth fairy had forgotten to come. My heart sank as I wracked my tired brain for an excuse that would sooth her broken heart.
I told her that maybe since it was so late last night when she lost it, the tooth fairy had to put her on the next night. This seemed to go over ok. I made another mental note with two red flags.
After school she ran straight to her room and looked under her pillow. Not only had the tooth fairy forgotten AGAIN, but the tooth was lost. All that remained was the empty bag that it had been in. By now I am screaming to myself, "What kind of mother forgets something like that TWICE!!!!"
I ran to my purse only to see my sweet husband already there. He grabbed the dollar bills and dashed to her room. We both knew if we could find the tooth before her, we could slip the money in and hide the tooth. Sheets flying, pillows being thrown, and there it was on the matress. He grabbed it and dropped the dollars on the bed just as she jumped on the bed and asked "Did you find my tooth?"
She saw the money and looked a little confused. After a little explaining that the Tooth Fairy must have come after she went to school and had taken the tooth, she accepted that answer and forgot that she had ever felt the painful ping of being forgotten.
Instantly she was dreaming up just what she would buy with her new dollars, but I was still feeling awful.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

A season for dragonflies....

On the subject of dragonflies, the other day we were barbequing in the back yard, when my sweet husband noticed hundreds of dragonflies buzzing about in one section of our yard. The sun was peaking through the trees and it was warmer in that section, but there was no standing water and no mosquitos within the entire block. Then we started looking harder farther back in the yard and there were hundreds more buzzing through the whole back part of our yard. It was an amazing site, as we rarely see one dragonfly, let alone hundreds. They weren't in our neighbors' yards, just ours. It was quite a site. I still have no idea what drew them here.
The next day they were gone and I haven't seen any again since then.

Friday, September 07, 2007

To my surprise

I came home to get photo editing done and as I sat down at my desk I noticed I had a visitor. I have to admit, I was a little startled at first. My mischevious husband snickered in the background as he watched me jump at the site of this.................

This little guy found his way into the paint room of the shop, (this is where my normally "sweet husband" spends much of his time) and he must have over heated, because he was dead when "mischevious husband" found him. So what did he do with the poor dragonfly? Laquer him of course!! and then stick him on my desk for a little laugh.
It's really kind of cool that he's all laquered, but kind of wierd. I guess my son can add him to the bug collection.

Friday, August 24, 2007

A change of pace......

Well, the fair went well. It was busy busy, but I did get a chance to check out some of the items entered. It was exciting to see how many talented locals there are around here. Even the children are spewing talent.
There were some spectacular photos and art exhibits, as well as veggie art and the quilting exhibits were tdf! Lots of wood works and even a skate park made out of Legos.
I took home one first place and on second place ribbon on my photos. I was excited and reassured. Thanks to all of the kinds words and support in my steps toward growth.

School started today and we always try to get away before school starts, so we took the the camper out for a few days of quiet time. We waited for the weekend to end and most of the campers had to go back to work. So we had the place all to ourselves for 3 whole days! The kids played in the creek until they couldn't stand it any longer, we lounged enjoying the cool breeze as it renewed our tired souls. I can't tell you how nice it was to get out of this heat and enjoy some cool refreshing air. We even had to turn on the heater one night, because it got chilly.
And my little one has officially joined the terrible two's, although, I think she joined them several months ago. We just had a birthday to make it official. We are still on our journey down the potty training road, but making progress. She speaks in sentences. She actually talks so fast, it makes it very hard to understand her and then you add her accent into the mix and she has her own language. She gets so frustrated when we don't know what the heck she is talking about.
I've also been slowly adding to my Etsy store again and I am working on some new things for fall and winter. Now that school is in, I have so many more hours in a day, my creative juices are flowing again and my state of mind is on the rise again! Yay!

Friday, August 03, 2007

Friendship Day

Happy Friendship Day to all of my friends online and offline.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

It's not often

that you get to see who you look like. After reading Amelia's blog today, I decided to give this a try.

My little artists

My children are all blessed with an artistic eye and they love to express themselves in some of the most creative ways.
While this may not be the most creative way to express themselves it is easier to remove than on the walls or floors (which I have plently of already).
I had to laugh when I caught my 3 year old coloring on my baby. I ask her why she has to draw on her sister. She replies simply, "I'm making her pretty mom!"
Well, what do I know anyway, I just mom!
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Then a few days later, my 2 year old comes out of the bedroom sporting this....
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I just laugh.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The smell of rain

After many days of sweltering temperatures and failed attempts at rain, we welcomed the tiny drops as they pounded on the rooftops and filled the potholes. I opened the doors and windows to let in the sweet smell of the rain.
I know there are many in the world who would love to see the end of the rain and sunshine again, but today I was glad to see rain.
In days when things are so unpredictable, I take every minute to be greatful for the blessings and today I am greatful for a little rain and a cool breeze.

Monday, July 23, 2007

If only I had SuperPowers

Your Superpower Should Be Invisibility

You are stealth, complex, and creative.

You never face problems head on. Instead, you rely on your craftiness to get your way.

A mystery to others, you thrive on being a little misunderstood.

You happily work behind the scenes... because there's nothing better than a sneak attack!

Why you would be a good superhero: You're so sly, no one would notice... not even your best friends

Your biggest problem as a superhero: Missing out on all of the glory that visible superheroes get

Some days I think I would like to be Elastigirl more than any because
keeping up with the kiddies keeps me running in circles.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


If I get this post published it will be a small miracle. I have been trying over the past two days to post with no luck.

Anyway, I have almost finished editing hundreds of photos taken when we went to our family reunion. It was a beautiful drive with the endless pine trees and mountains.

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And the occasional winding river...

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The fishing was fabulous

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

We were able to take the canoe out on a local lake and that was so much fun. The water was so pristine and beautiful. The kids had a blast playing in the water and burrying themselves in the sand.

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

The town we stayed in was so cute. Everything had a rustic western appeal and they named their streets after people. These were a couple of my favorites.

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

And of course there was the Lunch Counter....

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

By the time we made it home I had heard "are we there yet" enough times to last me a lifetime.

Glad to be back:)

I will try to post a few more pictures throughout the week.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

I can't smell the passion bark, mommy.....

I have always had a great interest in essential oils and I have used a wide variety of pure and blended oils, but none (that I can remember) have effected me the way Cassia Bark did the first time I smelled it. I was immediately addicted, I couldn't get enough of that smell.
I searched for a bottle of my own, but couldn't find it locally, so my sister so kindly gave me her bottle.
The smell is a woodsy cinnamon scent. It is very strong and is said to energize the body (I take as much energy as I can get these days), it also can stabilize the mind and encourage the spirit. I put some on a cotton ball and put it in my vaccuum today. I was busily vaccuuming the house when all of the kids came running into the room asking, "What's that smell mommy? What's that smell?" I told them Cassia Bark. Then later this evening, my 3 year old came into the room proclaiming, "I can't smell the Passion Bark, Mommy!"
It has become a family favorite and really does revitalize me when I'm feeling a little blue.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

My blogging withdrawls

I hadn't realized how much I have missed blogging until I started yesterday again. After my blog entry, I kept thinking of the many things I would love to share with you. Is this blogging thing and addiction for me or an obsession? I found myself thinking about it in the night even. I'm sure by now you think I am a wierdo, but really, I go through my day looking at things as if they are bloggable and not bloggable. You would be amazed at how many things I think about blogging, but because of my current mommy status, I rarely find the time to blog. You are in my thoughts though.

I am also feeling like another giveaway. Maybe it's my 30th birthday looming over my head that has brought me to this state of being, but I want to give away something today!

So all you have to do is tell me "What's on my iPod today?"

The first person to tell me one correct answer will win this cute little pillow.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Laugh Therapy

Laughing is so good for the soul. I try to laugh often, but some days. Well, I'm sure you know. Some days it's a little harder to laugh.

I have this little angel in my life though that won't let a day pass without invoking an uncontrollable laugh from me. She is the first of my children that will laugh on command and it is so cute and innocent that I can't keep a straight face.

What may have started out with me simply saying "laugh honey" always ends in both (or everyone in the room) laughing until tears roll as she throws her head back and cackles with her contagious innocense and theraputic outlook on life.

These are the moments in life to really enjoy!

Monday, June 04, 2007

All wrapped up

I had so much to get caught up on this weekend, it seems like Finish it Friday blended right into Mend it Monday.
I was successful though. I finished two pillows, which I plan to give away on my blog:) I finished one of the two quilts I had started. Two large stack of mending finished. Some of it I had put off for so long, my family didn't even remember they had it. My sweet husband had no idea he had even purchased a pair of pants that he had asked me to alter.

It has been so invigorating to clear some things off of my plate. Now I have room for new fresh ideas, not to mention more room for more fabric!

I also promised more jewels and I have been busy taking more pictures!

This one is for the little girls. It is fully adjustable. $7.00

This one is for mom or dad, also fully adjustable.


This one is also $9.00 and of course, free shipping on all of these!
And they also qualify for the Grand Opening buy 3 get the 4th FREE. Mix and match even!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Smell of Purple

Every color brings up a distinct fragrant memory for me. Purple brings visions of Spring Lilacs and Fields of Lavendar. Unfortunately, I didn't have any lavendar blossoms photographed yet.

I'm not sure what this flower is, but I just love them.

Remember this post? I mentioned something you might like. I have this absolute love for photographing anything I can get within my lens. I look at everything in a new light. Everything is more vibrant with details I have never noticed before. The world looks more beautiful and if it's not, I find a way to edit it and make it interesting at least. So rather than bog down this blog with a ton of photos, I have started Where Time Stand Still for my friends and family to keep up with all the photos I keep telling them about.