
Saturday, March 31, 2007

21 days without a whine..............

This sweet little church started the most wonderful challenge called Complaint Free World. Since then miss Oprah and several others have featured it on their shows. They have gotten over 2 million requests for these bracelets!
Now there is a movement beginning in the boutique world too and we have PamperingBeki to thank for that!
I was tagged by my sweet sweet friend Sarah who just knew I would love this challenge!

So, here are the details:
There's a movement right now to help create a Complaint Free World. Can YOU do it? Can you go without complaining for 21 days? Scientists say it takes 21 days to break a habit and create a new one. So can you? Here's what you need to do.
1. Click on Beki's blog to order a free purple Complaint Free bracelet.
2. Tag at least 3 people and spread the word. Challenge them to participate.
3. Sign the Mr. Linky On Beki's Blog so we can see how far this goes!4. The final step, and most important. STOP COMPLAINING! You put your bracelet on and any time you catch yourself complaining you must switch it to the opposite wrist. The goal is to go 21 days without switching it. If you switch it, your 21 days starts all over again.
So the movement has begun, and now I have been tagged to join. What can I say, but ABSOLUTELY! I love this challenge. I love the idea of a world coming together to make it a happier place.

I am going to tag Ash, Renee', and Em not that any of these fabulous girls are complainers, but I just know they are always up for a challenge!
I also have to tag a couple people who don't have blogs, but are avid readers of mine. Shaun and Michelle, you will so appreciate this.

Thanks, Sarah for tagging me, and thanks to the wonderful volunteers of this little church who dedicate their time to all of us, who they don't know, but still show their love for. You are greatly appreciated.

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